Saturday, March 24, 2012


Assuming Night infiltration
-Gather information?
Twisted Tower filled with 100's of Zentarim wizards, clerics and warriors - all lowlevel
Moungrym is on the 2nd floor held up in his room.
2 guards in all the towers on each floor
4 guards at the Grand Entrance (1)

Noteriety points: 15
Wereguld has invited them to the Alliance.
They've been noticed by the Zhentarim briefly - re: character assignation

Cleric has been kidnapped, during her bath.  The servants while frightened, tell you it was clerics of Bane that took her.   Some investigation will say that she is likely being held in Castle Krag.

Other information: one of you remembers that the Ghost of Sylune mentioned Castle Krag as well - There is a portal beneath Castle Krag where the Zhentarim can bring reinforcements quickly.

Tarsis: realizes that if you seal or destroy the portal - it would strike a bold counterstroke against the Zhentarim.